Wednesday, 28 September 2011

108 Name of Maa Durga:

Om Drugayai Namaha 

Om Shivayai Namaha 
Om Maha Lakshmyai Namaha 
Om Maha Gouryai Namaha 
Om Chandikaye Namaha 
Om Sarva Gynayai Namaha 
Om Sarva Lokeshayai Namaha 
Om Sarva Karma Phala Pradayai Namaha 
Om Sarva Teerdha Mayai Namaha 
Om Pun Yayai Namaha 
Om Deva Yonaye Namaha 
Om Ayoni Jaayai Namaha 
Om Bhume Jaayai Namaha 
Om Nirgu Nayai Namaha 
Om Aadhara Shaktyai Namaha 
Om Aanee Shvaryai Namaha 
Om Nirgu Nayai Namaha 
Om Niramham Karayai Namaha 
Om Sarva Garva Vimar Dhinyai Namaha 
Om Sarva Loka Priyayai Namaha 
Om Vaanyai Namaha 
Om Sarva Vidyadhi Devataayai Namaha 
Om Parvatyai Namaha 
Om Devamatre Namaha 
Om Vanee Shayai Namaha 
Om Vindya Vasinyai Namaha 
Om Tejo Vatyai Namaha 
Om Maha Matre Namaha 
Om Koti Surya Sama Prabhayai Namaha 
Om Deva Tayai Namaha 
Om Vahni Rupayai Namaha 
Om Sate Jase Namaha 
Om Varna Rupinyai Namaha 
Om Guna Shayayai Namaha 
Om Guna Madhyayai Namaha 
Om Guna Traya Vivarji Tayai Namaha 
Om Karma Gynana Pradayai Namaha 
Om Kantayai Namaha 
Om Sarva Samhara Karinyai Namaha   
Om Sarva Bheeshta Prada Inyai Namaha
Om Dharma Gynanayai Namaha 
Om Dharma Nistayai Namaha 
Om Sarva Karma Vivardhi Tayai Namaha 
Om Kamakshmai Namaha 
Om Kama Samhartyai Namaha 
Om Kama Krodha Vivarji Tayai Namaha 
Om Shan Karyai Namaha 
Om Sham Bhavyai Namaha 
Om Shan Tayai Namaha 
Om Chandra Suryagni Lochanayai Namaha 
Om Suja Yayai Namaha 
Om Jaya Bhumi Shtayai Namaha 
Om Jaahnavyai Namaha 
Om Jana Puji Tayai Namaha 
Om Shastrasyai Namaha 
Om Shastra Mayyai Namaha 
Om Nityayai Namaha 
Om Shubhayai Namaha 
Om Chandhrardha Mastakayai Namaha 
Om Bharatyai Namaha 
Om Bramaryai Namaha 
Om Kalpayai Namaha 
Om Karalyai Namaha 
Om Krushana Pingalayai Namaha 
Om Bramhai Namaha 
Om Narayanyai Namaha 
Om Roudryai Namaha 
Om Chandra Mruta Pari Srutayai Namaha 
Om Jyeshtayai Namaha 
Om Indirayai Namaha 
Om Maha Mayayai Namaha 
Om Jagat Grushtya Dhika Rinyai Namaha 
Om Bramhanda Koti Samsdha Nayai Namaha 
Om Kaminyai Namaha 
Om Kamalaa Layayai Namaha 
Om Katya Yanyai Namaha 
Om Kalaa Teetayai Namaha 
Om Kala Samhara Karinyai Namaha 
Om Yoga Nishtayai Namaha 
Om Yogi Gamyayai Namaha 
Om Yogi Dyeyayai Namaha 
Om Tapa Svinyai Namaha 
Om Gynana Pupayai Namaha 
Om Niraka Rayai Namaha 
Om Bhakta Bhishta Phala Pradayai Namaha 
Om Bhutatme Kayai Namaha 
Om Bhuta Matre Namaha 
Om Bhute Shyai Namaha 
Om Bhuta Darinyai Namaha 
Om Svadhayai Namaha 
Om Naree Madhya Gatayai Namaha 
Om Shada Dharadi Vardhinyai Namaha 
Om Mohitam Shubha Dayai Namaha 
Om Shubhrayai Namaha 
Om Sukshmayai Namaha 
Om Matrayai Namaha 
Om Nirala Sayai Namaha 
Om Nimna Gayai Namaha 
Om Neela Samka Shayai Namaha 
Om Nitya Nandayai Namaha 
Om Harayai Namaha 
Om Paraayai Namaha 
Om Sarva Gynana Pradayai Namaha 
Om Anamtayai Namaha 
Om Satyayai Namaha 
Om Durlabha Rupinyai Namaha 
Om Sarasvatyai Namaha 
Om Sarva Gatayai Namaha 

Sunday, 25 September 2011

God – Eshwar – Bhagawan – Supreme Power is Ruling This Univers

Every morning Sun emerges from the eastern horizon & dispels the darkness of night. With the help of light of the Sun whole world gets lit up & all creatures are able to sustain themselves. Sun is the source of energy to this world & it's energy nurtures our earth just like a mother feeds her children. Now just imagine if Sun stops rising in the morning. In such a case all the creatures including us shall come to perish for the want of sunlight & it's energy.

Who has created this Sun & who in this Universe is ensuring that it rises daily from the east to sustain all creatures? Certainly no human being has done this. Sun was created by the Supreme Power called God & only He is ensuring that it rises daily from the east & that all creation is maintained.

In general God is the faith of human beings that a Supernatural Power exists in this universe which has created us & all other universal forms. He is having supernatural powers, who is omniscient (knows everything), who is omnipresent (who is present everywhere), omnipotent (who is having all the powers & is all powerful), who is Infinite in size, knowledge & powers, one who is imperishable & indestructible. Faith of humans in such a big & great entity having all the powers is known as God.

In The Bhagwat Geeta Chapter Ten, Lord Krishna is saying that he is the source of all beings & gods. Not even that as per Lord Krishna, all these universes & creations spring from but a spark of His splendor only.

This whole world has it's existence in that Universal Soul (God) only. God is like the ocean & you are like a wave of that ocean. We all are waves of the same Ocean. There is no higher or lower wave. As the waves and the ocean are one, so are you, part & parcel of God only. One's ego only separates one from the God. Just lose your ego & dive yourself in the ocean of Universal Soul.

When a fire is burning, many sparks come out it. Similarly, all these souls have come out from that Universal Soul. "Mundaka Upanisad" explains that only:

"tat etat satyam yatha su-diptat pavakad
visphulingah sahasrasah prabhavante
sa-rupah tathaksharad vividhah saumya
bhavah prajayante tatra caivapi yanti"

The Supreme God is real and eternal. As many thousands of sparks come from a blazing fire, so many different living entities are manifested from the imperishable Supreme God and then again go & merge into Him.

In the Bhagwat Geeta also God says that this whole world & it's people are nothing else but part & parcel of Him only. Just like clusters of Yarn-Beads are woven on a thread, so is this whole world threaded in Him. So You are nothing but a "Spark of the Divine".

"mattah parataram nanyat
kincid asti dhananjaya
mayi sarvam idam protam
sutre mani-gana iva" 
(Bhagwat Geeta: Chapter: 7  Sloak:  7) 

"Sri Krishna said:

There is nothing else besides Me,
Like clusters of Yarn-Beads,
Formed by knots on a thread,
All this world is threaded on Me (universal soul)."

So let's worship that Supreme Power who is ruling this Universe, someone who is all powerful, Infinite in size. One who is all knowledge, one who is imperishable & indestructible.